Monday, March 30, 2020

ARC Reviews: Penguin Teen Spring 2020

The next 2 reviews I am sharing are Penguin Teen Spring 2020 titles! Both are contemporaries and by experienced authors. Thank you Penguin Teen Canada for these advanced copies in exchange for an honest review!

Time of Our Lives by Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka
[read in February]

RELEASE: April 21, 2020

RATING: 4.25 ⭐

40076537REVIEW: This novel follows two high school seniors, Fitz and Juniper, and their adventures along a college tour road trip after meeting at their first tour location. Fitz is anxious for his single mother's Alzheimer's to worsen, and cannot imagine even attending college. In contrast, Juniper has one foot our the door and is looking forward to getting far away from her loud and hectic household. As sparks fly for these two, they start to recognize what they may be missing out on by being a bit too narrow-minded.

I really enjoyed following these two characters throughout this journey. I liked their connection and brewing romance. And the entire story seemed so relatable, it was a fast read but it was not too rushed for me. The one element I did not love was the ending. I was expecting a bit more, or even an epilogue, but instead it fell flat for me. I hoped for a bit more insight on the outcome of this duo's relationship. Perhaps the finished copy will include one?

I have really enjoyed every title that this author duo writes, and I look forward to reading more of their cute novels in the future!

Link to Goodreads Review

The Jewel Thief by Jeannie Mobley
[read in January]

RELEASE: May 26, 2020

RATING: 4.25 ⭐


49486104. sx318 sy475 This story begins with Juliet, who is imprisoned for stealing the Hope Diamond from King Louis XIV. She has only the night to recall the events leading up to the night to the scribe across the cell, Rene, the man she loves but lost. She's reeling from her father's failure but still plans to use this night to fight for her life, before her sentencing the next day.

I really enjoy heists and royalty themes so this one first interested me from the synopsis. One of the most unique aspects of the novel was the writing style. The story goes between present tense in her cell, and the past as she recounts the months leading up to the theft. In the beginning this was a bit confusing, but I did not mind it all as the story evolved. The last third was definitely the highest stakes, and I am so thrilled with how the story ended. I liked the characters, the historical elements, and the plot, and will be recommending this one to YA historical fiction fans.

Link to Goodreads Review